Ride With Faith Inc.


Ride With Faith, Inc. (RWF) was founded in 2008 by Pam Connelly-Castle to work with local youth/adults in Northeastern Indiana. We also offer services for those at-risk, disadvantaged, troubled, or those who have suffered trauma. The objective is to provide an alternative outlet for those who may be struggling with emotional, mental or some minor physical issues. This is a place where they can learn real life activities, outside of the structured indoor environment, without the pressure of peers.

RWF also provides an opportunity to explore what the equine industry is all about and learn what horses have to teach us about patience, love, commitment, understanding, communication, responsibility, and accountability. All of these skills are essential to having a productive and contented adult life by building confidence and self-efficacy.

 The RWF Board of Directors consists of approximately 80 years of equine experience and includes members skilled in basic veterinary care, saddle fitting, farrier care, equine health and nutrition. We also offer experience in business management, human resource management, special education, education and clinical, mental health and addictions. RWF is DMHA (Department of Mental Health and Addictions) and SOC (Systems of Care) certified by the State of Indiana as required by FSSA (Family Social Service Administration). We are a Medicaid Waiver provider but also accept clients without Medicaid.

RWF has a small classroom where clients can learn about the horse and its history. Crafts and other indoor activities are utilized when outdoor temperatures are too cold.

Research has shown that horses have been a tremendous help in the lives of youth and adults in therapy. The horses are used to enhance the social skills of each individual as well as provide physical activity. This transitional program will provide an alternative method to enable people who are in conflict with themselves or others. It also enhances leadership capabilities along with life skills.

Ride With Faith also offers limited boarding and private lessons.  Please call for rates and availability.

For more information, please feel free to contact us at castle.ridewithfaith@gmail.com or

by calling a member of our Board of Directors. 
